Considering Akeneo PIM?

Are you at the starting line of your PIM journey and considering Akeneo PIM as a platform? We are happy let you know the advantages that Akeneo PIM offers over other PIM systems and what you can expect from us as a partner, so that you can make an informed decision.

We focus on the unique advantages of Akeneo PIM, such as its user-friendliness, flexibility and powerful integration capabilities, to ensure you make an informed decision that will benefit your business in the long run.

Akeneo Silver partner
Akeneo technical integration specialist
Akeneo certified business implementation

Waarom Akeneo PIM met Induxx?


Een toegewijd support team met gegarandeerde response tijden en diverse escalatie-mogelijkheden (SLA)


Unieke off the shelf Akeneo PIM apps voor geavanceerde functionaliteiten, zelfs voor licentievrije gebruikers


Eerste Akeneo Partner in België en de enige met volledige focus op Akeneo PIM in de Benelux


Als gecertificeerde Akeneo Silver Partner biedt Induxx ongeëvenaarde ervaring en technische kennis met 60+ actieve omgevingen


Induxx’s aanpak is op maat volgens uw specifieke behoeften en doelstellingen

Choosing the right partner to integrate and optimise your Akeneo PIM is crucial to the success of your digital transformation. Induxx stands out as the ideal partner for companies looking for customised solutions and high-end support for their Akeneo PIM environment.

Customised solutions to suit your needs

Induxx understands that every company is unique and has specific requirements for their PIM system. Therefore, we offer customised solutions tailored to your company’s specific needs, allowing you to get maximum value from your Akeneo PIM system. Whether it’s complex integrations with other systems, developing specific functionalities, or improving the user experience, our team has the expertise to take your environment to the next level.

We are proud to be Akeneo specialists for business implementation technical integration. It is a recognition of our high level of Akeneo expertise.

Akeneo technical integration specialist
Akeneo certified business implementation

Improved and personalised PIM experience

At Induxx, we believe that a PIM system is more than just a data management tool; it is a crucial part of your digital ecosystem that should contribute to the overall business strategy. Our team uses its expertise not only to optimise your PIM system, but also to improve and customise it according to your business objectives. This results in improved efficiency, better collaboration between teams and increased consistency in your product information, ultimately leading to a better customer experience.

Long-term partnership for continuous improvement

Induxx is committed to building a long-term relationship with our customers, constantly striving to improve and innovate your PIM solutions. We understand that your company’s needs may change and we are committed to supporting you every step of your growth. Our goal is to be a partner that not only responds to your current needs but also anticipates future challenges and opportunities.

Induxx: your stategic partner

Induxx is more than a service provider; we are your strategic partner in achieving your digital transformation. By choosing Induxx, you are choosing a partner committed to your success, with a focus on delivering customised solutions, high-end support, and an enriched PIM experience. Let’s work together to optimise your Akeneo PIM environment and grow your business

Akeneo PIM edities voor elke behoefte

Ontdek de juiste Akeneo-editie voor uw onderneming met Induxx en til uw productinformatiebeheer naar een hoger niveau.

Akeneo Community Edition

Deze licentievrije versie is ideaal voor kleinere organisaties met basis PIM-behoeften. Induxx onderscheidt zich door ook voor deze gebruikers apps beschikbaar te stellen, waarmee ze hun community sterk kunnen opwaarderen.

Akeneo Enterprise Edition

Voor grotere organisaties met complexere eisen biedt deze edition geavanceerde functionaliteiten zoals uitgebreide toegangsrechten, asset management, op maat gemaakte import/export opties, een rules engine, en Product Experience Management (PXM).

Akeneo Growth Edition

Een SaaS-optie die een tussenoplossing biedt met enkele Community-functionaliteiten voor bedrijven in groei die meer nodig hebben dan de Community Edition, maar nog niet klaar zijn voor de volledige Enterprise Edition.

Benieuwd welke Akeneo PIM editie de perfecte match is met uw bedrijf?

Uniek: Akeneo PIM applicaties op maat

Bij Induxx ontwikkelen we applicaties om uw Akeneo PIM-systeem uit te breiden. We leveren aanvullende functionaliteiten waarmee we (de basisversie van) jouw Akeneo PIM-systeem optimaliseren. Zo zijn er apps voor automatische vertaling van productinformatie, om taken te automatiserenprocessen te stroomlijnen en de integratie met andere softwareoplossingen mogelijk te maken.

A selection of our PIM achievements

Be inspired by our successful implementations.

Smoother product data management for AGU

Discover the case

Shortened time-to-market for Multipharma.

Discover our case

Time savings and efficiency for Xandres.

Discover our case

Intuitive and central data management for Telenet.

Discover the case

Curious which success stories we have achieved?

Curious what we can do for you?